About the Institute


The goal of the Karl König Institute is the material, financial and idealistic support of the Karl König Archive, and all the social, artistic and cultural initiatives that emerge from or are connected to the various publications.

Particular objectives include building competent working groups to support the editions of Karl König’s legacy, following up and deepening research directions, and promoting research by spoken and written word and through activities.

The Institute


The Karl König Institute for Art, Science and Social Life is working internationally to manage the Literary Estate of Dr Karl König, making his works available in the Karl König Archive, publishing a comprehensive New Edition and other related publications.

Karl König’s ideas and intentions for social renewal present a basis for cooperation, especially with the world wide Camphill Movement, but also with other organisations with similar orientation.

The Institute’s primary task is to develop and manage the Karl König Archive, including editing and publishing together with partners around the world. Any donations which are not specifically designated to individual projects are used solely for this main purpose.

Key tasks of the Karl König Institute:

  • Publication of a comprehensive new editions, making Karl König's work available to the general public and to a new generation
  • Establishment of 12 subject areas to co-operate with professionals internationally in the process of editing Karl König's literary estate
  • Continuation of Karl König's research aims
  • To initiate and support publications and events related to these research areas, and
  • Encourage and implement international networking and co-operation with initiatives and institutions that have similar aims.