United Kingdom
The work of the Karl König Institute depends on your help!!
All contributions are welcomed and valued. These help to support the work of the Karl König Archive and many cultural, scientific and social initiatives based on the works and holistic intentions of Karl König.
For more information about current and planned projects please contact:
Christoph Hänni
Camphill House
Milltimber, Aberdeen
Account number:
GLS-Bank Bochum
Karl König Institute
IBAN: DE74 4306 0967 1131 7142 00
For Great Britain, please make cheques payable to Karl König Institute and send to Christoph Hänni at the above address
For donations in the US and Canada we work together with Camphill Foundation:
Camphill Foundation
B.O. Box 820
Uwchland, PA 19480
Please visit their donations page: https://camphillfoundation.org/kki-donation/
Checks must be made payable to Camphill Foundation, with a note in the memo line indicating Karl Konig Institute. If you have any questions please contact deborahgrace 'at' karlkoeniginstitute.org.
Donations by Credit Cards & PayPal
One-off donations or monthly contributions - opens in another window and transactions are done via the secure PayPal platform
Reminder: these PayPal links direct donations to our European account in Germany/the EU; with the option to pay in different currencies. For local tax receipts purposes, if required, UK donors have the option to donate via Camphill House Milltimber, Aberdeen (see address above), whilst donors in the USA/Canada may donate via the Camphill Foundation (link above)