Other Publications Archive

Without courage we are nothing (only in German

In memory of Erika von Arnim

Book Overview

This booklet gives a three-sided view of the biography of the pioneer of the Central European Camphill Region and founder of the Föhrenbühl School Community.

Michaela Glöckler, director of the medical section at the Goetheanum, looks back on the collaboration with Erika von Arnim and traces her untiring commitment to the inner values of anthroposophy in a very sensitive and personal way in a letter addressed to her.


Format: paperback
Size: ----
Extent: 114 pages
Publisher: Richard Steel
Publication Date: ----
Series: ----
Subject: ----
Illustrations: ----
ISBN: 978-3-905791-05-1
Price: 15,50 EURO

Additional Material
