Karl König Book Archive

The Grail and the Development of Conscience

König often gave lectures based around Christian festivals, and the selection in this book were first presented at Easter time.

Book Overview

König often gave lectures based around Christian festivals, and the selection in this book were first presented at Easter time. The central theme here is the development of conscience and memory, which raises questions about individual freedom and spirituality, particularly in the context of community building.

Running alongside the main theme, König discusses subjects close to his heart including the search for the Grail, Parsifal and St Paul, bringing them together in surprising and challenging ways.


Format: paperback
Size: 216 x 138 mm
Extent: 176 pages
Publisher: Richard Steel, Floris Books
Publication Date: 16 June 2016
Series: Karl König Archive, Workedition
Subject: Christianity and Festivals
Illustrations: ----
ISBN: 978-178250-267-8 
Price: £14.99

Additional Material
