Other Publications Archive

Poems for Kaspar Hauser (only in German)

Poems to the way of the soul through the year, through the landscape, through life

Book Overview

This second book of poetry by Richard Steel brings together 35 poems "The way of the soul through the year, through the landscape, through life", as it says in the subtitle. The manuscripts of the poems reproduced in facsimile are, appropriately selected, juxtaposed with quotes and reading fruits by the author as "Texts by Friends in the Spirit".



Format: Hardcover
Size: 226mm x 159mm
Extent: 84 pages
Publisher: BoD, Richard Steel
Publication Date: 6. November 2013
Series: ----
Subject: Art, Poetry
Illustrations: ----
ISBN: 10: 3732284824
Price: 19,80 Euro

Additional Material
