Other Publications Archive

Arithmetic and Zoological Considerations, Karl König

This book offers insights into an approach toward teaching Arithmetic based on Dr. Karl König’s extensive work with children in need of special care.

Book Overview

To reach these special children, Dr. König was able to boil down to the simplest form of the Waldorf approach to introducing this foundational subject. This careful diagnosis of what the essence of any topic might be so that it can be digested and understood by the young who cannot follow along at a modern pace will prove extremely helpful to all teachers of children learning the important elements of Arithmetic.

The book is more of a notebook from talks and seminars conducted by Dr. König for the instruction of those teachers in Camphill Special Schools, and these lecture and discussion notes are published with the intent that, through Dr. König’s insights, all teachers can better bring children to competence in Arithmetic.



Format: Paperback
Size: 7" x 10"
Extent: 136 pages
Publisher: Waldorf Publications
Publication Date:
ISBN: 978-1-943582-81-5
Price: $25.00

Additional Material
