Investigación, Publicaciones y Colaboraciones
Medicine and the Study of the Human Being
Karl Königs medical work is very diverse. Volumes of the work edition for this area are in progress.
Homeopathic remedies, Internal organs, The heart, Nursing
However, this area also includes therapeutic areas in language, movement, music, eurythmy, color therapies. Aspects of medical anthropology are to be found especially in the following subject areas: "Psychology and Pedagogy", "General Anthroposophy" (the sensory theory, which is fundamental to the understanding of man, is located there) and "curative education and social therapy", an area that indeed from medicine and medical human history, but also has strong links to other areas.
Medicine and the Study of the Human Being
Publicaciones, Colaboradores y Colaboraciones
Publications in preparation
We hope that volumes on remedial research, developmental and therapeutic aspects of speech and movement, music therapy and embryology will soon be published. For sensory theory see the section "General Anthroposophy"
Council for Anthroposophic Health & Social Care
The Council for Anthroposophic Health & Social Care (CAHSC) is the voluntary regulator for the anthroposophic health and social care professions in the UK and Ireland.
Medical Section at the Goetheanum in Dornach
Anthroposophic Medicine
Anthroposophic Medicine is integrative medicine. It is rooted in the science-based medicine of the present, but takes into account the whole human being in its method, diagnosis and therapy.
Anthroposophic Music Therapy
In the Karl König Institute work is in progress on a volume about Karl König's contribution to the development of music therapy and about his medical-therapeutic insights and ideas. Katarina Seeherr is leading this research - we mentioned this already in Newsletter Nr 19 - Katarina is also involved with a new training course in music therapy at the anthroposophic Clinic Havelhöhe, Berlin. She is music therapist in Camphill Thomas Haus, Berlin.
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