Novedades y Anuncios
Double Card landscape format
29 Noviembre 2021
Image 'The Nativity' by Greg Tricker
Inside pages free to be written on
Dear friends of the Karl König Institute
After fulfilling autumn days and shortly before the completion of our winter newsletter, we would like to send you this year's Christmas card offer:This year the card is with the picture “The Nativity” by Greg Tricker and an unpublished text by Karl König about the
Necessity of annual festivals for people and also for the earthPrice:
€ 1 per card
10 cards € 8 (without envelopes)
Free postage from 16 € order value
And if you are still looking for Christmas presents - both of our new volumes have just arrived:
The new edition of
"Bruder Tier- Mensch und Tier in Mythos und Evolution" (only German Language)
with drawings by the English artist Stephen Walton
Price: € 28
The new volume:
"Die zwölf Sinne des Menschen - Band II - Sinnesentwicklung und Leiberfahrung" (only German Language)
Price: € 28
(Both postage free for you)
With our best wishes for the pre-Christmas season